Legal Services for Industrial Work-Related Deaths

Compassionate Representation for California Families

Wrongful Death Accident Lawyers in Ventura County | Santa Barbara County

When a loved one has died following an accident at their place of employment, there are no words for the anguish, turmoil, and uncertainty that ensues. No one can understand your pain, but the workers’ compensation attorney at the Law Office of Jim T. Rademacher can provide devoted and compassionate representation and guidance to help your family get the answers and compensation you so rightfully need and deserve. In the industrial workplace, employees are subjected to hazards that other professions may not face, but that does not excuse employers from providing reasonable accommodations for safety and/or paying a fair amount of workers’ compensation to a decedent’s family. Employers are responsible for providing the proper training, facilities, and working equipment. When they fail to uphold their duties and an industrial worker is fatally injured, they are also responsible for providing adequate workers’ compensation to the victim’s dependent’s.

Some of the most dangerous industries for fatal workplace accidents include:

  • Construction
  • Warehouse Work
  • Gas and Oil Refineries
  • Mine Work
  • Processing Plants
  • Paving and Surfacing
  • Manufacturing
  • Factory Work

Contact us at (877) WCB-ATTY (1-877 922-2889) to request a free consultation from our Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara County workers compensation attorney.

Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara County Workers’ Compensation Attorney

  • 18 Years of Experience
  • Dedicated to the Well Being of Each Client
  • Over 18 years of Experience in Representation of Large Scale Employers

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